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Alicia Fernandez talks The Red Note podcast with NTR Guadalajara

The Red Note podcast interviewer and researcher Alicia Fernandez sat down with the news site El Diario NTR Guadalajara last week to talk about the project and the issue of impunity in connection with the investigation of the femicides in Ciudad Juarez.

An English translation of Alicia's interview about The Red Note podcast is reproduced below.

You can read the profile in the original Spanish by clicking on the following link: Narran 25 años de feminicidios en Ciudad Juárez


They narrate 25 years of femicides in Ciudad Juárez

By Editorial Staff / NTR Guadalajara

Relatives, researchers and journalists narrate the stories of the femicides in Ciudad Juárez, through a podcast produced by The Red Note project, which collects the voices of the victims since 1993 and to date.

Alicia Fernández, a journalist from Ciudad Juárez and a member of the project, indicated that the stories began in 1993 with the stories of mothers and activists who demand justice for the femicides.

“Ciudad Juárez started to follow up these cases from this registry in 1993, but there has also been a lot of push from mothers and activists to promote public policies, promote laws, seek to create spaces and a dignified way of treating the victims because on many occasions they are re-victimized and the lack of professionalization of the authorities has not been adequate for justice to be achieved, it is part of a problem of impunity and corruption that has dragged on throughout these years that have us currently in an unresolved situation”.

The Red Note project consists of 10 chapters of 40 minutes each, in which you can find the story of the Egyptian Abdel Latif Sharif Sharif, who was arrested in 1995 for allegedly being responsible for more than 20 femicides in Ciudad Juárez, but which, according to Alicia Fernández, was a scapegoat.

“In the first instance, it is analyzed from the perspectives of the people who were covering these events, for example, the case of the Egyptian Sharif who was accused of several homicides, femicides, homicides of women, then however he turned out to be a scapegoat and finally dies in one of the prisons without actually having a resolution regarding his case”.

They also talk about the time when Ciudad Juárez was known worldwide for cases of femicides, violence generated by the war against drug trafficking and its consequences on youth, Alicia Fernández explained.

"I narrate a bit how this context of murders of women unfolded at that time in 2010 and how in some way so much violence in some way overflowed the issue of femicides, what have been the consequences on youth, in those days adolescent girls they had to be locked up, they had to take double care, somehow the violence against women and the violence that was emerging in the city anywhere you could witness a violent act or murder”.


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