Episode 8 of The Red Note podcast "Ni Una Menos, Ni Una Más" now available

Episode 8 of The Red Note podcast, entitled "Ni Una Menos, Ni Una Más", is now available in both English and Spanish on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and all major podcasting platforms.
Listen and subscribe to all eight available episodes of the podcast in English through the following link, or in Spanish by clicking on this link.
10 years after the first recorded femicide in Juarez, authorities were still no closer to solving these crimes. In episode 8, it would take the dedicated work of investigators from the United Nations and Amnesty International, protesters like Eve Ensler and Jane Fonda, and parents like Norma Andrade and Marisela Escobedo to ensure that the voices of femicide victims in Ciudad Juarez would finally be heard.
Episode 8 Synopsis - Ni Una Menos, Ni Una Más (listen to episode 8)
Outrage over cotton field murders prompts an international outcry, focusing worldwide attention on the story of the Juarez serial murders. Jane Fonda, Eve Ensler, and other celebrities travel to Juarez to protest the killings alongside local activists and the families of the victims. Writers, artists, and musicians create artworks inspired by their outrage over the crimes. The codification of the term “femicide” into Mexican law helps Norma Andrade and other victims’ mothers file international lawsuits against the Mexican government over their responsibility for the gender violence in Juarez. Learn more about your ad choices.
Sinopsis del Episodio 8 - Ni Una Menos, Ni Una Más (eschucha el episodio 8)
El caso Campo Algodonero atrajo la atención del mundo entero y genero el rechazo y reclamo internacional sobre los feminicidios en serie acaecidos en Ciudad Juárez. Jane Fonda, Eve Ensler y otras celebridades viajaron a Ciudad Juárez para protestar por los crímenes junto a activistas y familiares de las víctimas. Escritores, artistas y músicos tomaron su indignación como inspiración para crear conciencia con su obras. La tipificación del término feminicidio en la Ley Mexicana, ayudó a Norma Andrade y a otras madres a presentar una demanda en la Corte Interamericana en contra del Estado Mexicano por su responsabilidad en la violencia de género en Ciudad Juárez. Learn more about your ad choices.